Logging from Lua

Inbucket allows Lua scripts to write log entries via the built-in logger package, with an API provided by loguago.

Each logging call must include a level. Only log entries greater than or equal to global INBUCKET_LOGLEVEL environment variable will be output. In order of least to most severe, the available log levels are: debug, info, warn, and error. Inbucket will output the level info and above by default.


logger.<level>(message, fields)

The first parameter is the log message; you may use Lua's string.format to interpolate values into the message, if needed. The second parameter is a table of fields that will be included in the log entry JSON data. While you are not required to add fields, the current API requires at least an empty table parameter.


-- Loads the logger module and makes it available via the `logger` variable.
local logger = require("logger")

-- The following functions all have the same signature but different names to
-- allow for log leveling.
logger.debug("message at debug level", {})
logger.info("message at info level", {})
logger.warn("message at warn level", {})
logger.error("message at error level", {})

-- Example with formatting and fields.
local orig_addr = "input@example.com"
local new_addr = "output@example.com"

  -- Formats a string for the text of the log entry.
  string.format("Changing address to %q", new_addr),
  -- A Lua table is used for the structured portion of the entry.
  {address = orig_addr})

Console log output for the example above:

$ env INBUCKET_LOGLEVEL=debug ./inbucket
1:49PM INF Loading script module=lua path=inbucket.lua phase=startup
1:49PM DBG message at debug level module=lua
1:49PM INF message at info level module=lua
1:49PM WRN message at warn level module=lua
1:49PM ERR message at error level module=lua
1:49PM INF Mapping address to "output@example.com" address=input@example.com module=lua

Example using JSON log output:

$ env INBUCKET_LOGLEVEL=debug ./inbucket -logjson
{"level":"info","module":"lua","phase":"startup","path":"inbucket.lua","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"Loading script"}
{"level":"debug","module":"lua","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"message at debug level"}
{"level":"info","module":"lua","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"message at info level"}
{"level":"warn","module":"lua","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"message at warn level"}
{"level":"error","module":"lua","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"message at error level"}
{"level":"info","module":"lua","address":"input@example.com","time":"2023-11-13T13:54:01-08:00","message":"Mapping address to \"output@example.com\""}